Saints Peter and Paul Serbian Orthodox Church

Mala Gospojina/The Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
Kolo Slava 2009

U nedelju 27. septembra na Krstovdan Kolo Srpskih Sestara je proslavilo svoju Slavu Malu Gospojinu i jedanaest godina odkako je osnovano drustvo Kola Srpskih Sestara u Atlanti. Kao i uvek sestre su pripremile bogat i ukusan rucak. Zahvaljujemo se nasim sestrama sto uvek nesebicno odvajaju svoje vreme, novac i trud da podrzavaju nasu crkvu i da pomazu nasu crkvenu zajednicu u Atlanti.

On Sunday September the 27st, Kolo Srpskih Sestara has celebrated the Slava The Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary and 11th anniversary since the Kolo was established in Atlanta. As always Kolo has prepared delicious lunch. Big Thank You to Kolo Srpskih Sestara because they are graciously giving their time, money and effort to support our Church and our parish.