Ванредна парохијска скупштина
Special Parish Assembly October 18. 2015.

Ванредна парохијска скупштина одржана 18. октобра 2015. г. одобрила је продају постојеће зграде гдје се до сада вршило богослужење на Beaver Ruin Rd. Lilburn да би кренули са изградњом цркве и црквене сале на новом земљишту (1558 Hewatt Rd. Lilburn, GA).

On Sunday, October 18, 2015 we had a special Parish assembly, where with a uniform vote of all present parishioners, our building committee received support for sale of the existing building on Beaver Ruin Rd, that we have used for Church services for many year. With these funds, we can proceed with construction of the new church and parish hall on our new property (1558 Hewatt Rd. Lilburn, GA).